[Exclusive VIDEO] Small 12oz Back Packing Wood Gas Stove Cooks on Twigs [PHOTOS] Limited Time Only

You guys all know that I (Steven Harris) live, eat and breath energy.  In this email I'm going to show you the neatest, smallest, best little Backpacking, Camping, Bug Out Bag 12oz Wood Gas Stove there is.  Its VERY affordable.  This is one of the neatest products on the entire market.  It makes a great Christmas Gift. See why you will WANT one of these.  See my SHORT VIDEO of the stove working at http://www.ScoutStove.com

Its a standard Alpine Stowaway Pot 3/4 Liter. 
What could be in here?

ALLOW IMAGES - What's in the POT DOC??

Holy Cow, There Could be some NEAT STUFF
in there, Boy its Small and Compact.

ALLOW IMAGES - There is a lot in the Pot!

In the Pot there is the 12oz Wood Gas Stove, a Fork,
a Spoon and a Magnesium & Flint Fire Starter.
ALL IN ONE, Ready to Travel with you and cook for you.

ALLOW IMAGES - The Entire Stove Came out of the Pot!

Want to see Steve Start and Run the Stove &
How Easy it is to use?  There are 2 videos.
A 1 minute video and a longer one.  Check it out.
(Click on the Play Button Below to go to the Page)

ALLOW IMAGES - The Entire Stove Came out of the Pot!

Who is Steven Harris ?
If you know me (Steven Harris) then you know I'm an expert in all things energy.  I have lived, ate and breathed everything energy since the 1980's.  I was an engineer in the Scientific Labs of Chrysler for 10 years.  I know my energy, from wood to wind to gasoline to solar.  I've done it, wrote the books and made the videos.  I'm the founder of KnowledgePublications.com The largest alternative energy only publishing company in the USA.  I'm on the expert panel for The Survival Podcast and I answer energy and science questions every Friday for 120,000+ people. I write energy articles for Backwoods & Home Magazine. Plus I was a Grand Award Judge at the 2015 Intel ISEF International Science Fair in the Energy: Chemical category.  I'm here to tell you that this Stove is an important part of your preps for a disaster and its so durable you can use it daily. 

What does Steven Harris Approved Mean ?  I Guarantee it.
I am an energy and preparedness expert. Many of you trust me and look to me for books, DVDs, items, products, classes, free info and the last darn thing I am going to do is let you down. I have my name on all of this. I own everything you see. I've played with it, tested it, tortured it and this is not my 'opinion', this is my 'expertise' and 'experience'. You can trust these products or you get your money back, no time limits, no reasons needed.

Thank you,
Steven Harris
p.s.  Most people say the Scout Stove is the best thing they ever purchased and very happy that they did.  They can't believe how little fuel it uses and how fast it lights and how fast and easy it cooks their food.  http://www.ScoutStove.com